Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Perhaps you should be. . .

from a girl walking down the stairs in the Student Service Building:

"I'm just not used to having to think before I speak."

Sunday, May 30, 2010

...Choice quote from the Northwoods campus.

Guy shoving laundry into the back of his car: "You know you're at HoneyRock when the cool thing to do on Saturday night is laundry in town."

Guy in car driving through Eagle River on Friday night: "Wow. Everything's already closed by 8:00? This is like Wheaton 2.o".

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Two Responses to Finals

Option 1: Despair
Girl 1: "AAAAA. I can't do this! I'm going to faaaaaaiiilll" (Here she proceeds to bury her head in arms of girl 2 who consoles her with a reassuring voice)

Option 2: Dismissal
Guy 1: "Oh my gosh, I have so much work to do. I'm going to go back to my room and watch more episodes of Battlestar Galactica!"

She speaks truth.

"Calories don't count during finals week."
- a girl in the Stupe

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Food Stereotypes

A female in a loud exclamation after someone's suggestion:
"I can't be a Vegetarian--I'm Asian!"

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Moms take better notes

Guy on phone: "What did he say, Dad? N-n-n-no, n-n-n-no. You gotta give me the Mom version. I want ALL the details!"

Sunday, March 28, 2010

As if he hadn't been through enough already

While in a NT discussion about the Ethiopian eunuch's salvation and subsequent baptism: "He should get circumcised too, just to be safe."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Justifying Philosophy Major Stereotypes

Guy 1 approaches Guy 2 and Guy 3 who are sitting at a SAGA table

Guy 1: "Hey, do you mind if I sit with you guys?"
Guy 2: "Well, me and Guy 3 are talking about philosophy, so. . ."
[Guy 1 sits alone at adjacent table]

Maybe not as globally-aware as we'd like to think...

Guy 1: So Bulgaria is in Western Europe?
Guy 2: Yeah, I think so.
Guy 1: Huh. . . I always thought it was in South America.
Guy 2: My mom spent a while in Bulgaria.
Guy 1: Really?
Guy 2: Yeah. Well, either there or Ethiopia.


In Saga tonight, from a guy having dinner with his buddies (also male):

"Sometimes I just really like to touch his muscles."

From a girl, no less.

"Why do we live in the part of the world where I have to take showers regularly?"

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Gospel in the Stupe

Said to a sinner: "God looks at you and sees the righteousness of Christ"

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Overheard in Saga, the speaker is trying to convince a girl to come work for his organization for the summer:

Guy: Women live to what? 80?
Girl: Average is 76.
Guy: (Gets out cell phone, types a few numbers in) Statistically speaking, you have 684 months left to live. This summer is just 3 of them.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

At a Table of Philosophy Majors

"Sex is the answer to mind-body dualism."

Monday, February 22, 2010

Prior to African-American Church Chapel

"I'm trying to be white, but I just can't pull it off."

Friday, February 19, 2010

A Healthy Appetite for Books

Overheard in Buswell:
"Hmm, the computer says you have $65 in fines."

Thursday, February 18, 2010


"Yeah, I've gotta get financial aid straightened out. It's harder for fifth year seniors. They don't like to give you money because you're obviously just bumming around."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Faster = Better

Girl: Swing dancing at Wheaton is stupid. The tempo is way too slow.
Slow dancing sucks. It literally makes me sick.
Guy: It can be fun if you've got a date, like, someone you've got, like, romantic interest in.
Girl: No, not even then. It sucks.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

True Faith

A student was checking out information about the Sesquicentennial Gala, when an older staff person walked by:

Staff person: Well, what are you waiting for? Buy the tickets!
Student: I don't know. . . they're pretty expensive.
Staff person: You have a girl to take, don't you?
Student: No. . . not really.
Staff person: Well, buy them in faith!

Monday, February 8, 2010

I think it's a noble ambition.

"You know what I want to do? I want to get married and have babies."

Friday, February 5, 2010

If you had a parrot. . .

"Then on the second date, I went for the arm around the shoulder."

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


While at Women's Chorale dinner, the conversation at the table lulls just in time for everyone to hear from the next table: "Am I going to have to go out and hire a baby to eat asparagus in front of you?"

Monday, February 1, 2010


Person 1: I really want to be a parent.
Person 2: Oh, are you working on that?
Person 1: Well, its coming--slowly.

Friday, January 29, 2010


How tall were you originally?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Yeah, enjoy that.

Called out loudly from a neighboring apartment: "Have fun on your RDT!"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Your mom. . .

Between two Turner construction workers:

"You keep my mother out of this!"

Would you rather. . . ?

Overheard near the tray return in saga -

Girl: "She'd rather carry a child, TO TERM."

He does what?

Several days I ago I was walking behind a group of friends, and I heard one of them say, "Yeah, and he practices his poetry for [girl's name] on me, and that's hard enough."

And then I noticed they were all in Arena Theater, and I am hoping that provides context.

We all sympathize.

Just after dinner:

One guy: Wanna check CPO?
Other guy: Nah, I did just before dinner.
First guy: Aw, come one.
Other guy: Okay.

Innocently Off-color

Up at HoneyRock for the Wheaton In the Northwoods intensive session, while playing the 'hand game' on the table, trying to get arms properly interlinked, a young man says to a young woman:

"Hold on, I'm going to go inside you."

Horrified laughter erupts.

I want it to be a word too, friend

Girl: "Oh, that's terrible!"
Guy: "Yeah. Not integritous. At all."

Monday, January 18, 2010


amidst the impassioned mutterings of a passerby,

"such a Constantinople complex!"

Now the question is whether this pertains to a roommate, significant other, or professor.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Overheard in an apartment bathroom from below.

Guy #1: "Hey, watcha doin' in there?"

Guy #2: "You know, just taking a bath... and watching a little "Office"."

Guy #1: "Oh, okay."

...a little while later the drain unplugs and the water starts gushing down. Movies in the bathtub must be a luxury afforded to upperclassmen with apartments, laptops, and a little free time.