Friday, January 29, 2010


How tall were you originally?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Yeah, enjoy that.

Called out loudly from a neighboring apartment: "Have fun on your RDT!"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Your mom. . .

Between two Turner construction workers:

"You keep my mother out of this!"

Would you rather. . . ?

Overheard near the tray return in saga -

Girl: "She'd rather carry a child, TO TERM."

He does what?

Several days I ago I was walking behind a group of friends, and I heard one of them say, "Yeah, and he practices his poetry for [girl's name] on me, and that's hard enough."

And then I noticed they were all in Arena Theater, and I am hoping that provides context.

We all sympathize.

Just after dinner:

One guy: Wanna check CPO?
Other guy: Nah, I did just before dinner.
First guy: Aw, come one.
Other guy: Okay.

Innocently Off-color

Up at HoneyRock for the Wheaton In the Northwoods intensive session, while playing the 'hand game' on the table, trying to get arms properly interlinked, a young man says to a young woman:

"Hold on, I'm going to go inside you."

Horrified laughter erupts.

I want it to be a word too, friend

Girl: "Oh, that's terrible!"
Guy: "Yeah. Not integritous. At all."

Monday, January 18, 2010


amidst the impassioned mutterings of a passerby,

"such a Constantinople complex!"

Now the question is whether this pertains to a roommate, significant other, or professor.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Overheard in an apartment bathroom from below.

Guy #1: "Hey, watcha doin' in there?"

Guy #2: "You know, just taking a bath... and watching a little "Office"."

Guy #1: "Oh, okay."

...a little while later the drain unplugs and the water starts gushing down. Movies in the bathtub must be a luxury afforded to upperclassmen with apartments, laptops, and a little free time.