Friday, September 18, 2009

Two years ago at Buswell

I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't there myself. This takes place at
the labbie desk where the stapler is labeled "please return to the
color printer."

Girl: Oh... Do you have another stapler? My paper is black and white, not color.
Her Friend (unfazed): Oh, it's okay, sweetie, go ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Here's some to post:

    "I can't wait to get engaged to my girlfriend, so I can finally have sex with her" (overheard in saga)

    "I would take communion, but I just can't stand grape juice" (overheard at church)

    "I really like the St. Elliot apartments, but when I tell my friends from high school where I live it makes it sound like I go to some Pape school" (overheard at st. elliot)
